Showing posts with label PHILIPPINES. Show all posts
Showing posts with label PHILIPPINES. Show all posts

Wednesday, 25 December 2013


3543 Kilometres – 110 Days
4 September – 24 December 2013


Mindanao Island


4 September – Sandakan, Sabah, Borneo – Zamboanga City, Mindanao, Philippines – By ferry

Due to engine problems, the ferry from Borneo only reached the port of Zamboanga City at around nine p.m. Still, the time was eleven p.m. before we got off the boat. The going was particularly slow, as it seemed one and all wanted to get off first. Passengers further had to wait until transportation arrived, taking them to the immigration office. While waiting, one had to be vigilant as small kids hopped onboard, scavenging for whatever was going – might it be unattended luggage or leftover food. They were like monkeys, clambering up and down the side of the ferry. It was pretty amazing to watch them operate - they were as quick as lightning, and even onboard security had no chance of catching them. They were under and over the sleeping bunks without the guards seeing them.

Eventually, I was off the boat and at the immigration building. A queue snaked from one end of the building to the other. People were pushing and shoving (I wasn’t sure where they wanted to go, as no pushing or shoving was going to get them to the front any sooner). Inside, the building was hot and stuffy. Passports fanned faces dripping with sweat, to no avail.

By the time all was done, I set off with only a headlamp into the eerily dark streets which revealed a few homeless people, two full hotels, and one pricey one. Only on the fourth try was suitable accommodation found. It was thus 1.30 by the time I closed my bedroom door.


5 September - Zamboanga City, Mindanao, Philippines

On the boat, one could change Malaysian ringgit to Philippine pesos. Still, it didn’t provide sufficient local currency to see me to the next big town. Priority was, therefore, to locate an ATM.

The Philippines is the world’s second-largest archipelago (after Indonesia), featuring 7,107 islands and the plan was to visit a few.

The country sports a fascinating history. In 1521, the islands were claimed by Spain, who constructed Fort Pilar, a 17th-century military defence fortress. The British occupied it for a while but soon returned it to Spain. Then, the U.S. came and started a war that officially lasted three years, but skirmishes continued for a further seven, killing 600,000 Filipinos. Thus, I had to pop into Zamboanga’s historic city hall, built when the United States colonised the Philippine islands. After the U.S. eventually departed, Japanese troops came, and only in 1946 was the Philippines granted full independence. If that’s not enough, the Filipinos must further deal with volcanoes and typhoons, and during my visit, political violence was still widespread. There were repeated warnings to be careful and NOT to wild camp.

Sauntering about, the heavens opened and all scurried for cover. Temperatures hovered around the mid-30°C and, being the wet season, it could rain at any given time. Luckily, the rain came quickly and hard and didn’t last long.

Hailing a tricycle (more like a bike with a sidecar), the going wasn’t a great deal faster than by foot. The driver located an ATM but, sadly, no roadmap.


6 September - Zamboanga City – Vitali – 72 km

Joining tricycles, bicycles, Jeepneys, buses and trucks, I cycled out of town. Jeepneys, the Philippines’ most popular form of public transport, got their start as Willys Jeeps left behind when American G.I.s departed. Filipinos recycled them as buses sporting benches with room for 20 (or more) passengers. They were colourful and plentiful.

Filipinos drive on the right-hand side of the road and a roadside motorbike shop changed my bike’s mirror to the left-hand side. Once again, the owner warned me not to camp and advised me to go to Vitali and check at the police station where to stay.

While morning pollution hung thick in the air, I followed my nose north, out of large and busy Zamboanga City. The countryside made for stunning riding, and numerous small settlements flanked both sides of the highway. Now and then, these communities made way for emerald green rice paddies. Water buffalo waddled in muddy puddles and tricycles carted kids to and from school. Amazingly, even the smallest village had a school.

As was the case on my first day in a new country, photo stops were countless. The Philippines was incredibly photogenic, and one could quickly fill a 36GB card. Nothing much came of the mountains warned about, and the gradient was reasonable even, though hilly.

At around 15h00, dark clouds gathered, and I could see a thunderstorm approaching. Mercifully, Vitali came before the rain and consisted of a fair-sized village offering plenty of food vendors. Police directions were to a karaoke bar that provided rooms above. As could be expected of a room above a karaoke bar, the room was noisy, dark and dingy, with three-quarter cardboard walls. The owners were, nevertheless, super friendly. At the end of the hallway was a large water container, where one could scoop out the water to use as a shower.

Supper was a takeaway rice meal eaten on the balcony overlooking the road. Soon three others joined and watched each morsel I consumed. Finally, I decided to take myself off to my semi-private room where, at least, one could eat without being observed. The remainder of the evening was spent under a fan, downloading photos and writing the journal.


7 September - Vitali – Ipil – 65 km

As there was no need to hang around Vitali, breakfast was a quick bite from a restaurant. No sooner had I finished the meal than the restaurant owner led me off to view her sister’s corpse. Information received was that she died of a heart attack (fortunately, not food poisoning!). Upon being encouraged to take pictures, I politely declined, and swiftly made my way out the door before being escorted to the funeral. Hahaha.

Although cycling along the coastal route, the road didn’t run flush next to the ocean. Whenever the path reached a high point, one could see a bright blue ocean below, sprinkled with tiny islands.

Mindanao felt like a long, drawn-out village, and there was hardly a time one was out of the public eye. But, being a short ride, the larger town of Ipil soon rolled into view. Surprisingly, Ipil sported a comfortable hotel with a great restaurant and a swimming pool.


8 September - Ipil – Buug – 75 km

I got underway in a drizzle and, once or twice, had to pull over until the worst had passed. Yet again, the road was slightly hilly but not as bad as predicted. The way led past plenty of tiny settlements where it appeared the main occupation was doing laundry. Palm-woven huts and sari-sari stores, selling the whole shebang from crackers to shampoo sachets, abounded.

On reaching Buug, spotting a hotel was simple, as the town wasn’t large. Still, it had a vast and interesting fish market, selling an extensive selection of fresh and dried fish, both big and small.

A frequent question was whether I was an American journalist or a missionary, which most likely indicated they were the only foreigners visiting Mindanao. Seeing my answer to both was negative left them puzzled. It was usually followed by a polite: “What’s your purpose in the Philippines?”. Answering, “Only travelling,” left them looking somewhat perplexed, and replying, “Oh, only travelling,” rubbing their chins, as if such a thing wasn’t possible.

Not as many pictures as usual were taken, for as soon as the camera came out, whispers of “journalist, journalist” could be heard. This was one part of the world where you didn’t want to be mistaken for a journalist. The reason is, through the years the island Muslims (Moros) have launched repeated attempts to establish autonomy on the island. Since the Maguindanao massacre in 2009, when fifty-seven civilians were killed, including four journalists, Mindanao ranked only second to Iraq for being the deadliest country for journalists. I considered it best to keep the camera well hidden.


9-10 September - Buug – Pagadian – 63 km

It turned out a rainy but picturesque ride as I headed towards the mountains, mainly past rice fields and farmers ploughing using water buffalo. My route led across rivers and past waterfalls. Spotting me, small kids ran as fast as their little legs could carry them, and people in nipa huts looked up in surprise. So astonished was a man relaxing under a tree, guarding his stall and selling petrol in Coca-Cola bottles, he spun around at such speed he fell right out of his hammock.

The hills felt long and steep. Sometimes my legs didn’t want to cooperate, and I was happy with the descent into busy Pagadian (still laughing about the man falling out of the hammock!). Roads were jam-packed with tricycles and Jeepneys, and it took weaving through them like a snake. After a quick shower, I was off looking for a supermarket. Once at my abode, I learned I made it out of Zamboanga City by the skin of my teeth. The Moros killed four people and held 20 hostages. Phew!

Considering the ongoing trouble, I believed it best to get off Mindanao Island a.s.a.p. Though I still had a long way to go, rumours were that the northeast coast was safer, and once at Cagayan De Oro (CDO), all should be well.

The next day was spent in Pagadian, doing the usual rest day chores and eating practically anything I could lay my hands on while still giggling about the man falling out of his hammock.


11 September - Pagadian – Tubod – 80 km

The initial gentle and effortless cycle veered inland along a good climb over the mountains. The route climbed almost forty kilometres before eventually winding down to the ocean. This descent offered fantastic vistas. Once along the coastal plains, the excellent road surface made it comfortable riding into Tubod.

Inquiring about accommodation, directions were to an upmarket and expensive hotel. Still, I thought, what the heck and stayed the night. Unfortunately, the hotel was on the outskirts of town, and supper at their equally pricey restaurant. The food was, nonetheless, excellent and well worth the price.


12 September - Tubod – Iligan – 66 km

The day started with meeting the friendliest bunch of people one could imagine. They attended a three-day conference at the hotel and invited me to breakfast. Filipinos are incredibly hospitable and kind, always ready to share a meal. They were also tremendously polite, generally greeting one with a “Good morning, ma’am.” Being called ma’am always leaves me feeling uncomfortable.

From Tubod to Iligan was a short sixty-six-kilometre ride that ran close to the ocean offering excellent views. Shortly before Iligan was the Maria Cristina falls - a magnificent sight but my photos could have been much better. Oh well, there’s always another waterfall.


13-15 September - Iligan – Cagayan De Oro (CDO) – 88 km

The horrendous traffic, narrow road, and drivers seemingly on a suicide mission made it a stressful ride into CDO. One had to watch both oncoming traffic and traffic coming up from behind. In addition, vehicles headed towards each other, often occupying the same lane. As a result, I had to dive out of the way a few times to avoid becoming roadkill. In the process, a metal pin firmly lodged in the tyre – so tightly lodged was the pin, it took great effort getting it out. I don’t fix punctures with any elegance and came away covered in grease.

I was hot, sweaty, covered in grease and in a foul mood when I cycled into large and busy CDO. To make matters worse, fume-belching tricycles and Jeepneys were so tightly gridlocked one couldn’t even get through by bicycle.

At least the congestion gave plenty of opportunities to enquire regarding directions to a hotel, as no one was going anywhere. Directions were down a hotel-kind-of-road where one could find hotels at inexpensive rates. The air-con didn’t work, and after transferring to a different room I discovered the air-con no better. The toilet kept running, and instead of lying in bed listening to a running toilet, I got up and fixed the darn thing. Crawling into bed a final time, I laughed at how bizarre things could be at times. Before finally falling asleep, a mouse ran across the floor, but I just giggled, ignored the mouse and fell asleep.

The next day, I did laundry and bought two new inner tubes. Later, a river rafting company caught my attention. This was precisely what I needed, and a trip was booked for the coming day.

Being picked up by a Jeepney with the rafts strapped to the roof didn’t instil much confidence. Still, the trip was great fun, the river scenic and the guides professional. I believed the money was well spent, and I completely changed my mind concerning CDO. By evening, the mouse was still running around the room. Poor thing.


Camiguin Island


16 September - CDO – Balingoan – Ferry to Benoni, Camiguin Island – 90 km

Departing CDO was stressful as one needed to weave through the Jeepneys, tricycles, busses and trucks. Stopping at a sari-sari store to fill my water bottle and purchase a boiled egg for breakfast, the reality of a foreign culture became noticeably clear. To my surprise and utter horror (and to the amusement of onlookers), the egg turned out balut - a half-boiled duck embryo in the shell. However, no encouragement from the villagers could get me to devour the soupy foetus. I understood a person was supposed to crack open the top and drink the soup before consuming the embryo and its eggy surrounds.

On seeing properties sporting vast piles of coconut shells, and smoke billowing from boilers or shacks, my curiosity got the better of me and I stopped to look at what was happening. Upon closer inspection, it turned out charcoal made from coconut shells, explaining the smoke.

The route continued, past more stores, selling delicious-looking food as well as the famed balut. Filipinos like their food, and it appeared unthinkable to go anywhere without taking food along (albeit their portions were relatively small). Roadside stores sold all the favourites. On counters, dishes were neatly displayed from big to small. These usually contain fried fish, fried chicken, pork (in various forms), veggies and noodles.

From the small town of Balingoan, a ferry departed for Camiguin Island. A boat was waiting and a ticket was hurriedly purchased. Although a short ferry ride, the time was already half past four on reaching Camiguin Island. A nipa hut upon stilts over the water lured me in and I thought life could indeed be worse.

Priority was to obtain a San Miguel beer. Then, legs resting upon the railing, I sighed and looked out over the zip-line passing right in front of me, wondering whether to do a ride in the morning. Soon, hunger drove me to a roadside food vendor for one of the Filipino favourites. As usual, the food was bite size as in the Philippines people eat using a fork and spoon.


17 September - Benoni – Mambajao, Caves Dive Resort – 25 km

A coastal road ran around the island for approximately seventy kilometres. Cycling into the tiny city of Mambajao, the island’s capital, revealed a bank (offline), a market, various stores, bakeries and eateries. Unfortunately, Action Geckos was costly, and the next-door Caves Dive Resort was slightly cheaper. Being desperate to dive, Caves Dive Resort was an excellent place to stay and do the deed.

Booking a dive meant retrieving my diving certificate for which an internet connection was needed. Even though the staff informed me the establishment had internet, there was no connection, making me feel the room was a waste of time and money. It took some getting used to the laid-back manner of the Filipinos. Having internet that wasn’t connected was the same as not having internet at all. Give me strength!


18 September - Mambajao – 20 km

The following morning, the internet was still offline and it was better to pack up and cycle to Jasmin by the Sea, which offered large rooms and bathrooms right upon the water. They, at least, had working internet, albeit a little slow. At last, and with the help of my sister, the diving certificate was retrieved. But, besides editing and uploading pictures, not significantly else got done.


19 September - Mambajao

The southwestern monsoon came in during the night, and the day dawned with a howling wind and bucketing rain. There’s nothing quite like crawling into bed in lousy weather. Eventually, the weather cleared, allowing meandering to the dive shop to arrange a dive. Unfortunately, a tricycle ride into town revealed it was lunchtime and the supermarket closed. At least the ATM woke from its slumber. “Pole-pole”, as they say in Swahili.

The internet café was offline, and the only thing left to do was to have a pizza. The pizza was surprisingly good but quite substantial, and half was saved until supper. Once at Jasmin, the power was out and, thus, not much to do but to have a beer. Things could be worse, as Jasmin was comfortable and a good spot to wait out the weather.


20 September - Mambajao

In the morning, the weather was considerably better and it was time to dive. It felt like diving in an aquarium with abundant fish in all shapes, sizes, and colours. Coral was plentiful and of a wider variety than I’ve ever seen. Add a water temperature of 29°C and I thought I was in heaven.

Enough time remained to discover the rest of the island. The island was remarkable, offering active volcanos, waterfalls, hot springs, a ruined church, an underwater cemetery, and even a spring that squirted soda water. The day ended with a fun zip-line ride - I nearly went twice.


21 September - Mambajao

It was hard to resist one more dive. Halfway to the dive shop, I got a ride with the divemaster on his motorbike, to plenty of comments from the villagers. The dive boat turned out one of the bangka boats, a novelty in itself. From the shore, a short ride took us to White Island where sea life was abundant.

After the dive, I used an internet café as the connection was slightly better than the slow and sporadic internet at my abode. As all my money was spent on diving, zip-lines and pizzas, an ATM was again necessary. However, the bank was still offline and one could simply hope it would be operational by morning.

Rumour had it a ferry ran from Camiguin to Bohol (the next island) instead of Mindinao. Apparently, one daily ferry sailed at around 10h30 from the Port of Benoni to Jagna, Bohol and the plan was to catch the ferry the next day.


Bohol Island


22 September - Port of Benoni, Camiguin - Jagna, Bohol – 25 km & ferry

Plenty of time remained to cycle to the port, as the boat departed at around 11h00, and no sooner were we underway when the weather took a turn for the worse. The ferry rolled and pitched, and people yelled and hung on to all conceivable posts. Seasick bags were in high demand, as the boat rocked and rolled on the high seas. The scariest part was there were no visible signs of any floating devices. All we could do was sit tight and hope for the best. To everyone’s relief, the ferry safely arrived at Jagna, Bohol two hours later.

The wind was still pumping, and not being in the mood to battle a headwind, a scrappy 250 pesos abode made a good enough hiding place until the morning.

Bohol forms part of what is known as The Visayas, a large cluster of islands in the middle of the Philippines. The Visayas consists of thousands of islands, but the nine main ones are Cebu, Bohol, Guimaras, Samar, Leyte, Panay, Negros, Romblon and Siquijor - I could see more than one visa extension coming up.


23 September - Jagna – Talibon – 90 km

The weather cleared in the morning, and I went to the municipality to inquire about an island map. While waiting until the doors opened, breakfast was from a mobile food cart. Then, map in hand, my route went in an anti-clockwise direction around the island. A fascinating ride (vastly different from Mindanao) took me past mangrove swamps, strange-looking hills, a multitude of small hamlets and sari-sari stores. I even spotted giant monitor lizards.

Talibon, the first town encountered, was steeped in history and was home to a beautiful old church built with coral rocks and, ironically, by slaves! Construction started in 1852 and was completed in 1899 (the slaves were clearly not in a great hurry). Even more bizarre was the history of Talibon. It’s said that Ferdinand Magellan escaped from Lapu-Lapu’s men who were seeking revenge for the raping of fifty women in Cebu. His ship, Trinidad, sailed towards Talibon, where several crew members disembarked and mingled with natives, educating them in Christianity. The morals of the western world never fail to amaze.


24 September – Talibon – Tubigon – 60 km

By morning, I packed my mobile home and proceeded around the island. Being blistering hot, islanders were convinced the weather was too severe to cycle and extended invitations for cold drinks under shady trees. Albeit blistering hot, I didn’t think one would suffer heat exhaustion.

Tubigon allowed sightseeing and an opportunity to investigate the famous Chocolate Hills. Chocolate Hills consist of 1,268 identical-looking hills. The story goes the hills were the calcified tears of a giant, whose heart was broken by the death of a mortal lover. Regrettably, no sooner was the viewpoint reached when the rain came pelting down, preventing any good pictures.

In locating digs in Tubigon, a path led down a dirt track, past people’s prized possessions, their fighting cocks, until reaching Tubigon Beach Resort. Philippine resorts came in all shapes and sizes, from five-star to rickety huts upon stilts. I guessed this was the rickety hut on stilts. The walkway didn’t look secure, and the floor of the room was springy, to say the least, but at 350 pesos one couldn’t complain. The room even had a shower and toilet. The water, nonetheless, drained straight through a hole in the floor and ran out underneath the hut. The bathroom was halfway between a squat toilet and a throne, and it was best not to check to see where it drained – hopefully, not the same as the shower.


Panglao Island


25-27 September - Tubigon – Alona Beach, Panglao Island – 75 km

The following morning, a short ride took me to Alona Beach, which gave me plenty of time to stop at interesting sights. The road followed the coast past small villages, each featuring a fascinating history and past vast areas of mangrove swamps.

The mangroves were the habitat of a species of crab-eating macaques. These monkeys live in matrilineal social groups with female dominance, and male members leave the group when they reach puberty. They are clever and have been seen using tools to obtain food and, while taking pictures, the buggers stole my water bottle. I could’ve sworn they were laughing as they sat high up in a tree clutching the bottle.

A bridge connected Bohol to Panglao Island from where a good road ran the twenty-five kilometres to famous Alona Beach. Panglao Island was the first place, since arriving in the Philippines, where I saw European tourists. All things were, understandably, pricier than elsewhere.

The following day was spent at the fascinating Tarsier Sanctuary. The Philippine tarsier is tiny, measuring approximately 85 to 160 millimetres (3.35 to 6.30 inches), making them one of the smallest primates. As a result, they were difficult to spot and even harder to photograph. Nearly the size of a human fist, they could easily fit into my hand. The intriguing thing is their eyes are fixed in their skull and can’t turn in their sockets. Instead, the head rotated 180 degrees. It’s said to have the largest eye-to-body-size ratio of all mammals. The tarsier is a nocturnal animal, and the big eyes provide excellent night vision. The tarsier may be tiny but has a home range of one to two hectares, a lot of ground for such a small animal. The females give birth to one thumb-sized baby per annum and carry their infants in their mouths! These little creatures are now, sadly, endangered.


Cebu Island



28 September - Alona Beach, Panglao Island - Cebu City, Cebu Island – 26 km

From the ferry port in Tagbilaran, ferries departed practically every hour to the island of Cebu. The ticket was a mere P500, and one could walk the bicycle on board. Moreover, the weather was perfect and the sea as smooth as anyone could wish.

Two hours later, we arrived in the large and chaotic city of Cebu where I set out to one of the multitudes of malls. The purpose was to locate a GoPro camera. Taking the large number of shopping centres in town, I reckoned that if one couldn’t find what you were looking for in Cebu, it didn’t exist. More money than intended was spent, but I became the proud owner of a GoPro camera. Although the shop didn’t sell a handlebar mount, they located a bike shop in Bacolod that promised to keep one until my arrival.

The entire evening was spent figuring out how to operate my new toy and change the waterproof housing—quite a nifty little thing.


29 September - Cebu City – Blue Pot Resort - 85 km

My late night made it a slow start. Atill, I first stopped at the Old Fort, built by the Spanish and dating to 1738. From the fort, I cycled through the old part of the city with its narrow lanes and smelly open sewerage canals.  The area, surprisingly, hid a considerable amount of beautiful, old colonial buildings.

My chosen route went clockwise around the island and even though Sunday, the going was slow as the traffic was hectic. The road was jam-packed with busses, cars, trucks (loaded to the hilt), tricycles and colourful Jeepneys. As a result, a considerable amount of exhaust-laden fumes were inhaled. On a bicycle, one could keep as far to the side as possible but still I had to veer off to avoid oncoming traffic.

The many cyclists along the way indicated a cycle race. Seeing a participant walking his bike, I assumed it polite to ask if he needed help. Luckily, all he needed was an inner tube, and soon he could be on his way. In hindsight, he might not have been overly pleased with the uncalled-for help!

Shortly past the town of Argao, it started raining, and spotting a sign to the Blue Pot Resort, turning off to enquire came naturally. The complex wasn’t much of a resort, merely a few bungalows, but a good enough spot to hide from the rain.


30 September - Blue Pot Resort – Moalboal - 130 km

The route to Moalboal ran 130 kilometres along the coast, past familiar roadside gasoline stalls selling petrol by the litre. Amazingly, the price was similar to what you’d find at gas stations. But, judging by the number of motorcycles and tricycles frequenting these stalls, business was booming.

In the meantime, crops were being dried upon the tarmac, taking up one lane. It wasn’t that the road was used for drying produce that surprised me, but that no one ever drove over it. Instead, busses and trucks came to a complete halt and carefully manoeuvred around the crops before continuing.

Panagsama Beach was nearly four kilometres from Moalboal, a real diver’s hangout offering plenty of accommodation and dive shops. In addition, a few bars and restaurants lined the single dirt road. This made Moalboal an easy-going village where the beers were cheap and dive boats eagerly waited to take divers off to nearby Pescador Island.


1 - 3 October - Moalboal

My reason for going to Moalboal was to dive and try out the new camera. So, after the usual housekeeping, I meandered into town to draw more money as diving was an expensive business. It felt as if the entire day was spent eating.

The following day was the first of numerous fantastic dives. Nearby, Pescador Island made for convenient and exciting diving. However, taking pictures underwater turned out more difficult than envisaged. Apart from a flat battery, I had lots to learn. The second dive was off the beach and even more impressive. The sardine run was occurring at the time, and we saw genuinely unique formations of thousands and thousands of sardines. Regrettably, by then, the camera battery was flat again.

The underwater world is unique and incredibly rewarding. When underwater, there’s an unbelievable feeling of peace and calm; completely surreal. Being in the Tañon Strait, the dives around Moalboal were frequently along near-vertical walls. The strait drops to around six hundred metres (I’ve been told), yet currents were non-existent. Visibility wasn’t crystal clear, but the water temperature was a comfortable 28ºC.

The following day, I set off to the whale shark diving area in the company of other travellers. Getting there took a tricycle ride and two buses, arriving at the dive site around 11h00. Diving with as many as nine or ten whale sharks nearby was a unique experience. They lazily floated about in search of food, sucking in each morsel. With their giant mouths wide open, it seemed they could easily suck one right in. The dive offered an excellent opportunity to play with the GoPro. The evening was spent at a restaurant having a few beers and sharing photos with the other divers.


4 October - Moalboal

It was a shock to notice that it had been a month since I arrived in the Philippines and it was time to apply for a visa extension. After breakfast, I thus jumped on a bus to Cebu. The bus was comfortable and equipped with onboard Wi-Fi. We arrived in Cebu approximately two and a half to three hours later.

A taxi ride made locating the immigration office uncomplicated. Once there, I found a room full of people all needing visa extensions. As usual, the process turned out a long and slow one, but the day passed quickly. By 15h00, I was on the bus for the return trip to Moalboal, visa extension securely stamped in my passport.


Negros Island



5 October - Moalboal – San Carlos, Negros – 60 km

I reluctantly left Moalboal and headed north along the coast. A mere twenty kilometres further a sign pointed to a ferry departing to Negros. With no reason to venture further north along the Cebu coast (except to catch the boat to Negros), I opted for the ferry. An hour and a half later, we anchored at the small village of Basak.

Negros came across more rural; children could be seen collecting firewood which they carried home balanced upon their heads. Others bathed at roadside water pumps. The route was less congested than Cebu, making it a relaxed ride to San Carlos, where a comfortable abode at the Traveller’s Inn became home that night.


6 October - San Carlos – Cadiz – 85 km

After breakfast, the route led north past sugarcane fields and small settlements. Unfortunately, the path deteriorated considerably, which slowed the pace. Overloaded sugarcane trucks wreaked havoc with the tarmac, and all attempts by the authorities to repair the damage appeared in vain. It rained on and off all day, and the slippery, muddy conditions and numerous potholes made for slow riding. In Cadiz, the sight of a house came as a welcome sight.


7 October - Cadiz – Bacolod – 67 km

In sweltering weather, I soldiered onwards past Silay and Talisay, known for The Ruins (old mansions) for which an eye was kept open. Still, the heat didn’t make for comfortable exploring.

Bacolod was at the start of its annual Masskara festival (meaning a multitude of faces). The word was a pun on mascara (Filipino for “mask”), a prominent festival feature. The masks worn by participants were adorned with smiling faces. Luckily, this was merely the start of the festival and accommodation was still readily available.

My abode was in one of the side streets off the main road - a wonderful location in the middle of a residential area where bicycle rickshaws carted people up and down narrow dirt tracks. Dogs lay sleeping next to their owners, who sold kebabs from small BBQs in front of their homes. Kids ran out in the road to have a wee – and I believed the frequent rain a blessing.


8 - 9 October - Bacolod

In addition, Bacolod was home to the exceptionally professional Dan’s Bike Shop, which made an excellent place to hand the bike in to be serviced and pick up the GoPro handlebar mount. I scooted up and down the road in Jeepneys, which ran the main road’s length while leaving the work to the professionals.

At a mall, a computer shop cleaned my laptop, as the keyboard got stuck from time to time. They gave it a thorough cleaning free of charge. The money saved was used at a café that sold delicious slices of cheesecake.

The market area was hardly five minutes away, but miles from the mall and all its fancy lights and shops. However, this was where most of the day’s pictures were taken. I was offered an oven-fresh bread roll at one of the stalls. Delicious. How exceedingly kind? How much could a bicycle rickshaw man make? He, highly likely, needed the bread more than I.

By evening, the bike shop phoned to say they were still working on the bike and it would be ready the following morning.


10 October - Bacolod – Kabankalan - 90 km

With the bike running like new, the route led further south, across massive rivers, past rice paddies and sugarcane fields. Beyond the city limits and amongst farmlands, all seemed busy harvesting. The trusted water buffalo was in high demand, pulling and tugging in rice paddies and sugarcane fields. Large trucks, loaded sky-high with sugarcane, dropped bits as they drove along, leaving the road littered with stalks.

The way led past Bago, Valladolid, Pontevedra and Hinigaran, featuring century-old churches. Inspecting these, the children of the Philippines impressed me. They eagerly approached, asking intelligent questions and wanting their picture taken, all while being extremely polite.

One of my Project-365 friends lived in Kabankalan, and I wanted to meet up with her. However, finding a stranger in town was more difficult than foreseen. I was sadly unable to contact her without a phone and intermittent internet.


11 October - Kabakala –Sipalay - 83 km

On a misty morning, while pre-harvest burning smoke hung thick in the air, I cycled the eighty-three kilometres to Sipalay. Sugarcane field burning was carried out before harvesting. To make the process easier, the leaves were burned off the stalks. This pre-harvest burning was a common practice worldwide. The burning enabled manual pickers to collect the crop quickly and with less injury. Still, it was a significant contributor to air pollution.


12 October - Sipalay

The reason for going to Sipalay was to investigate the nearby beaches. The weather, however, came in and rain poured down all day. I was happy to stay put and enjoyed a day of vegging out.


13 October - Sipalay – Bayawan - 79 km

My early departure was due to what looked like a mountainous area, and sharp the gradient sure was. Still, the pleasant morning air made it a lovely ride after the previous night’s storm. Once over the hilly bit, the road levelled out and headed along the coast.

The ride felt like a real Sunday afternoon cycle, peddling past nipa houses on stilts, sari-sari stores, buffalos lazily grazing in the rice fields, past small settlements where joyous singing came from makeshift churches and where Sunday markets were in full swing, taking up the best part of the road.


Apo Island



14 October - Bayawan – Malatapay - Ferry to Apo Island - 77 km

The ride to Malatapay turned out a relaxing cycle; the route ran flush next to the coast, offering stunning vistas. Sadly, the heavy rain of the past few days caused substantial landslides, taking electrical cables and even houses with them. Road workers were frantically busy clearing the road. It’s pretty amazing to see what big chunks could slide off a mountain.

Around midday, my route spat me out at the tiny settlement of Malatapay (not even indicated on the map), where a sign pointed to Apo Island. Down a narrow lane, I discovered bangka boats ready to whisk people off to the nearby pea-sized island of Apo. Bangka boats, or outrigger canoes, are traditional boats used in the Philippines. With bike and bags loaded on the bangka, we set sail. The boat anchored at a spot straight out of a tourist brochure, sporting an idyllic beach, palm trees and turquoise water.

The island housed a tiny village, friendly folk, a few homestays, and the well-organised Liberty Lodge and Dive Resort. The room rate at first appeared pricey but the price included three meals. The best of all was dive prices were inexpensive. I couldn’t believe my luck, so I put my feet up and ordered a San Miguel beer. As they say, “It’s hell in the tropics”.

The food was equally glorious - freshly-caught fish was at the order of the day, and at the same time, a dive was organised as Apo Island counted as one of the top dive spots in the world.


15 October - Apo Island

The eight o’clock dive made for an early start and after a short boat ride to the dive site, we plunged happily into the lukewarm waters of the Visayan Sea. Arriving back, we learned a strong earthquake had hit the region. Although felt on Apo Island, we were unaware of the tremors while diving. The quake’s epicentre was in Bohol, where I took pictures of Chocolate Hills, severely damaging the hills.

The chatter continued until gearing up for the eleven o’clock dive at Coco Point. The dive was great, and I had my first glimpse of a coral snake but sadly failed to capture it on film.


Negros Island


16 October - Apo Island – Malatapay, Negros - by ferry – Dumaguete City - 25 km

After a pancake and fruit breakfast, I left paradise and returned to the mainland. A short cycle ride took me into the city where Harold’s Mansion made convenient lodging.

My notebook packed up, and I went in search of a replacement. The shop assistant was kind and took out the old hard drive to use as an external hard drive. Unfortunately, paying proved more difficult than expected as both the card machine and bank were offline. In the end, I uncovered a working ATM prepared to spit out a few Filipino pesos.


Siquijor Island



17 October - Dumaguete – Siquijor Island (by ferry) – Sandugan Beach - 20 km

With no need to stay in Dumaguete any longer and unsure where to go next, the first stop was at an ATM. Having breakfast with his girlfriend, a Swedish chap extended an invitation for coffee. As a cycle tourer (in Europe), he was pretty interested in cycle touring and recommended Siquijor Island. Being only an hour by ferry from Dumaguete, my problem was solved in where to go next, and more than sufficient time remained to get the 12h00 boat.

Once in Siquijor town, setting off in a clockwise direction around the island came naturally. Roughly twenty kilometres further was Sandugan Beach which offered a few bungalows. All accommodation was smack bang on the water’s edge under palm trees, and hard to resist. Soon, an ice-cold beer was sipped while watching the sunset over the Bohol Sea, one of the most beautiful sights in the Philippines.


18 October - Sandugan Beach – Siquijor Town - 57 km

Following breakfast, my tour around the island continued. Interestingly, countless Filipinos still refuse to visit the island due to its witchcraft and black magic reputation. I’m sure the annual Folk Healing Festival contributed to this superstition. Regrettably, I couldn’t find any sign of any such thing, except a store or two selling herbal remedies. I, nevertheless, kept my eyes open for the magic lumay (love potion - one never knows when such a potion may come in handy). It’s understood a mere sip or sniff by the target would have the desired effect.

Instead, Siquijor was a friendly island where people constantly extended invitations to join them, rest and drink water. Road workers looked disappointed at my reluctance to share their lunch. Explaining I didn’t usually eat while cycling confused them even further. Eating three full meals daily was considered too little for the average Filipino. One needed to nibble on smaller snacks between meals, let alone skip lunch. As one exclaimed: “You are starving!”

The island was smaller than anticipated, and fifty-seven kilometres later the road ended at Siquijor town. Being in no mood to go to the city, I kept an eye out for lodging. All kinds of accommodation were scattered along the coast and it didn’t take long to find a nipa hut overlooking the ocean.


19 October - Siquijor - Dumaguete City - By ferry

By morning, a short cycle ride led to the jetty from where a ferry took me to Dumaguete City. Once in Dumaguete, the easiest was to return to Harold’s for the night. Unfortunately, no ferries ran from Dumaguete to the next island, Panay. The only option was to return to Bacolod from where a ferry operated to Iloilo on Panay Island. By evening, I ran into a great street party, and a stroll to the waterfront revealed a lively festival. Great fun.


Negros Island


20 October - Dumaguete – Hanseatic Resort - 92 km

Instead of going the same way to Bacolod, proceeding in an anti-clockwise direction around the island looked more exciting. A surprisingly beautiful ride ran next to the coast for the best part of the day, making it a leisurely cycle to Hanseatic Resort, right along the water. The lady was friendly, and we chatted until sunset. After a much-needed shower and beer, a large plate of fried rice was consumed.


21 October - Hanseatic Resort – San Carlos - 82 km

While having a good cup of homegrown Robusta coffee, there was a frantic knocking on the door. The owner assumed the bike had been stolen, as I usually put it inside whenever possible. She was terribly upset as the guests, who arrived late the previous evening, departed without paying. She might’ve thought we were all in cahoots. This was sad as she needed the money more than her dishonest guests.

Effortless riding along the coast took me to the ferry port where I first arrived. There’s no fun in doing the same route twice, and this time it took cycling the last forty kilometres to San Carlos in bucketing rain. Thank goodness, there was no need to search for accommodation in the rain as I went straight to Amu Tourist Inn. My arrival in San Carlos further completed my cycle around the island of Negros.


Panay Island



22 October - San Carlos – Bacolot – Dumangas – Iloilo, Panay - 30 km

From Bacolod, ferries ran to Panay Island. The boat ride was cheap but went to Dumangas pier instead of Iloilo City, leaving a twenty-five-kilometre cycle into the city. On the ferry was another cyclist, Roger Gonzales Aristoki, who was planning to cycle to Ajuy the next morning. We cycled into the town together and he kindly pointed out budget accommodation. There’s nothing like local knowledge, and he saved me a few pesos.


23 October - Iloilo – Altavas - 120 km

Getting underway earlier than usual made great riding as I had the benefit of a slight cloud cover. Feeling good, the kilometres ticked by without me noticing. The path ran across large rivers and past small hamlets, basketball-playing kids, rice paddies and grazing water buffalo.

Altavas only sported one guesthouse but the owner was, regrettably, out of town. Usually, people think cycling to the next town was too far to reach by bicycle but, on this day, they believed the next village (forty kilometres away) could be reached within an hour. The man was entirely convinced cyclists travel at 45km/h.

Eventually, basic rooms above a hardware store had to do. Even though inexpensive, the room had a fan, referred to as an electric fan, and I wondered if one could get any other fan type.

To the villagers’ delight, the foreigner went on a walkabout. With nearly the entire village in tow, I felt like the Pied Piper.


24 October - Altavas – Caticlan – 107 km – Ferry to Boracay

The ride to Boracay Island started early, making it a pleasant cycle in the early morning coolness. As expected, riding to Kalibo took considerably longer than an hour. For the last part of the day, the route ran next to the coast and, albeit hilly, was scenic. Nevertheless, I felt good and sped up and down the hills, past more villages and roadside vendors, until reaching the small town of Caticlan.

Caticlan gave me a taste of what was to come. Bangka boats lay ready to cart the many tourists to and from idyllic Boracay Island. It all felt a bit like a madhouse compared to the last few days in the countryside; like cattle being led to a slaughterhouse, we were hustled on a boat for the short ride to Boracay Island. The island was an over-commercialised madhouse, jam-packed with tourists. Holidaymakers ate, drank, swam and shopped. Bali was nothing compared to this island.

Finding accommodation was easy and, in no time, I sat wriggling my toes in the sand, sipping a beer and ordering a pizza. Fitting in didn’t take any time at all.


Boracay Island



25 - 26 October - Boracay

Things were costly, and I’m sure one could’ve had a dorm room at a lower rate. Diving or doing other exciting activities the island offered was out of the question, as the prices were nearly double what they were elsewhere in the Philippines. Only the beers were the same price (thank goodness), and I had a beer or two while watching the madness. It felt odd sitting there as I wasn’t Filipino, but neither did I fit into the role of a tourist.


Mindoro Island



27 October - Boracay – Roxas, Mindoro Island - By ferry

Relaxed as things were around Boracay, I felt like moving along. At the ferry port, bangka boats sailed to Caticlan, from where ferries departed to the small port of Roxas on Mindoro Island.

The trip took roughly five hours, giving me plenty of time to haul out the old iPod and listen to music from decades ago. I went through them all: The Who, Rolling Stones, Queen, Pink Floyd, Led Zeppelin, The Doors, fantastic stuff.

At around five o’clock, we sailed into the sad-looking port of Roxas. A map of Mindoro would’ve been helpful, but the tourist office was closed on Sundays. People mentioned that the following day was election day, and the tourist office, therefore, closed. Being too late to take to the road, a conveniently situated guesthouse made easy overnighting.


28 October - Roxas – Calapan – 128 km

Following my nose, I got going roughly in the direction of Calapan, as from Calapan ferries sail to the “mainland” at Batangas City. No one could tell me exactly how far away Calapan was but, as soon as the road left the city limits, signs indicated 126 kilometres. A map wasn’t needed after all. Even the rice mills were closed on a public holiday, making it an amazingly peaceful ride.

Discovering indigenous tribes still lived on Mindoro Island came as a pleasant surprise. Collectively known as Mangyans, they comprised twelve tribes, each with its own language, culture and way of life. For centuries, they lived peacefully along the coastal areas of Oriental Mindoro, where generally they fished for a living. Then, however, others from nearby islands settled on the island. To avoid disputes, these mild-mannered and peace-loving people moved to the mountains. Sadly, they have been treated as second-class citizens, similar to other indigenous people – often exploited, neglected and discriminated against.

It turned out less mountainous than first believed, and with that in my favour, I continued to Calapan. Although far, the day provided good cycling.


29 - 30 October - Calapan – Sabang Beach, Puerto Galera – 54 km

Each island had its own vibe, and Mindoro seemed more tribal/traditional than other islands. Farmers were riding water buffalo (not your everyday transport) and villagers worked the fields in ways more traditional than elsewhere in the Philippines.

Nearby Puerto Galera was the place to go as the area’s extensive and diverse coral reefs had been declared a UNESCO Man and Biosphere Reserve. This sounded good, and I set out toward Sabang Beach. The road to Puerto Galera was mountainous but, as always, offered stunning vistas. I wheezed my way up the hills, but rounding a corner and seeing a magnificent waterfall cascading down the mountain, the climb was soon forgotten.

A few hills later, the road finally reached Puerto Galera, where six hilly kilometres led to Sabang Beach. Again, I was blown away by the view: A tiny beach settlement geared for diving provided as many as thirty dive shops, numerous restaurants and guesthouses—a beautiful setting, featuring turquoise water, cliffs, beaches, coves and more.

I bedded down at an abode along the water’s edge. To think I nearly gave the island a miss altogether.

The following morning was dive time and in the company of the crew from Capt’n Gregg’s, we got going at around 09h00 to Sabang Point. As promised, the visibility was good and the sea life abundant. The dive lasted sixty-five minutes, and the average depth was approximately twenty metres—a pleasant dive on a reef, offering plenty of coral and fish. The water was a comfortable 28°C, and I was happy in a three-millimetre wetsuit.

Surprisingly enough, I got stung on the lip. Years ago, the same thing happened and, until today, I have a small scar on my lip. The incredible thing is it sheds a small piece of skin, like a snake! Thank the Lord, it’s not a hair or something worse, hahaha! Maybe that’s too much information for most.


31 October - Sabang Beach

On closer inspection, I realised with shock only two days remained on the current visa. Time sure flies when you’re having fun. The tour operator acted as a visa consultant, and the passport was left at his office. The process took five days, but who would mind on an island that provided so many dive sites?

Later I joined Capt’n Gregg’s for a 09h00 dive. A boat ride took us to Sabang Wrecks for a fifty-five-minute drift dive. The depth was an average of twenty metres, making it an exciting dive featuring plenty of fish. Hundreds of photos were taken, but using a GoPro, one needed to be awfully close to your subject to get any shots.


1 November - Sabang Beach

Shocked at the amount spent on scuba diving, I thought it best to have a day of snorkelling. The colours were terrific in the shallow waters. The problem with scuba diving was one loses the colours quickly. Red was the first to go at around fifteen feet, followed by orange at twenty-five feet, yellow at thirty-five to forty-five feet, and green at approximately seventy to seventy-five feet. (Interestingly, the colours disappear underwater in the same order as they appear in the colour spectrum.) Objects further could look up to 25% closer underwater than they are, and up to 33% larger.


2 November - Sabang Beach

This day’s dive was a bit of a pain as my B.C. kept self-inflating and the dump valve didn’t want to expel the air. It did, nevertheless, work when I turned on my back. Of course, any equipment malfunction makes it a stressful dive. Fortunately, Ted Dunn, my dive buddy, was super-experienced, and all went well. Besides the equipment, the dive was lovely and sported plenty of colourful fish and coral.


3 November - Sabang Beach

By then, the norm was doing an early morning dive at Dungeon Wall, a pleasant dive revealing large schools of fish and unique corals.

Cockfighting was, after basketball, the most popular hobby/sport in the Philippines. Summing up the courage, I hesitantly set off to the arena. Once there, I found a well-organised setup offering a proper “ring” surrounded by ascending rows of concrete benches. A while later, two men entered the ring, each clasping a cock under their arms. They placed the cocks in the middle of the ring, and with neck feathers erect they suddenly hurled themselves at each other. In a flurry of feathers and razor blades, blood squirted from open wounds, spectators cheered, money changed hands, and all I wanted to do was get the hell out of there. This was indeed a fight to the death! I persevered but after the second fight left the stadium. Phew!


4 November - Sabang Beach

The dive shop was again doing a two-tank dive; firstly, on the wreck of the Alma Jane. Scuttled in 2003, she rested upright at a depth of almost thirty metres. However, currents in the vicinity of the wreck could sometimes be strong (and the visibility not always good). Skippers, hence, maintained a buoy line tied to the wreck, making descending along the line without floating away into the blue yonder, never to be seen again. The second dive was along the Dungeon Wall.

Both were incredible dives. During the first dive, I teamed up with Mads, our divemaster, who has the best buoyancy control I’ve ever seen in any person.


5 November- Sabang Beach

Finally, it was time to collect my passport and move along. However, it was already late and best to catch the ferry to Batangas City in the morning.


Luzon, Island



6 November – Sabang Beach – Talisay – 61 km

From the tiny ferry jetty, large motorised bangka boats departed to Luzon Island, referred to as the “mainland”, as the island housed Manila’s capital city. The crossing took barely an hour and once in Batangas City, the road headed north in Manila’s direction.

Sadly, the toll road didn’t allow bicycles (a pity), and I followed a smaller and far narrower path. Strange how the dangerous roads allow bikes and the safer ones, sporting a wide shoulder, prohibit bicycles.

Once at Tanauan, a secondary road veered off to Talisay, where I believed one could get a boat across Taal Lake to the Taal Volcano. Unfortunately, the boat ride to the island was a tad expensive for one person. Luckily, basic accommodation along the lake provided a spot to watch the sunset over this peaceful lake and volcano.

I was keen to hike to the top of this small volcano as it was reputedly the world’s smallest active volcano. All volcanoes in the Philippines Taal Volcano form part of The Pacific Ring of Fire, a horseshoe-shaped area of almost 40,000 kilometres where numerous earthquakes and volcanic eruptions occur. The Ring of Fire has four hundred and fifty-two volcanoes and is home to over 75% of the world’s active and dormant volcanoes. A few years later, on 12 January 2020, the volcano erupted after being dormant for 43 years and continued erupting for more than a year. A phreatomagmatic eruption from its main crater spewed an ash column exceeding a kilometre high over the surrounding islands and Metro Manila, resulting in the suspension of school classes, work schedules, and flights.


7 November - Talisay – Manila – 88 km

Cycling up the hill I came down the previous day wasn’t as steep as expected; Manila’s traffic was far worse. The National Highway led straight into the city centre and ran through numerous towns and villages. The traffic was bumper-to-bumper and Jeepney-to-Jeepney, all the way into the city. Cycling the short distance of eighty-eight kilometres took practically the entire day, mainly due to the horrendous traffic.

Once in the town, the suburb of Melati provided decent-looking accommodation. It felt good to be in a solid-looking guesthouse ahead of the forecasted super typhoon, predicted the strongest typhoon ever to make landfall in the Philippines.

Due to the typhoon, all flights and ferries were cancelled, and all one could do was hunker down. Pension Natividad wasn’t the cheapest, but comfortable and centrally located. The place was packed with people who missed their flights and ferries. Nevertheless, a jovial mood prevailed while all waited to see what to do next.


8 November - Manila

Though overcast and rainy, Manila was out of harm’s way and nothing came of the predicted high winds. The islands to the south were more affected and several islands suffered severely. Reportedly, the typhoon made landfall in Haiyan with wind speeds of up to 315 km/h, killing 6,300 people. Entire villages were wiped out.

In Manila, people waited for flights and ferry schedules to return to normal. Several of the pension’s guests couldn’t contact family and friends as all lines were down. In the company of John and Matthew (both living on Coron Island and waiting for a ferry), we set off to the harbour to find information about a ship sailing to Palawan. We couldn’t find one and returned to the pension and had a beer instead.


9 November - Manila

The next day, the weather improved, allowing a trundle around town. Manila was an immensely populated city (20 million) and, consequently, plagued by traffic and pollution. Manila further had a massive contingent of homeless people. They, however, seemed friendly and content living on the pavement amidst the fume-belching trucks and Jeepneys. I ventured along the seafront, past Rizal Park, to what was known as Intramuros, the old Spanish capital. A crumbling wall still half surrounded the area. Even though mostly destroyed in World War II, the area remained interesting.

Upon returning to the guesthouse, my path led past Robertson’s Mall. It was convenient shopping, seeing they had a well-stocked supermarket. Once at the guesthouse rumours were doing the rounds of a boat departing to Coron Island the following Wednesday.


10 November - Manila

A stroll with Bjorn from the guesthouse to the National Museum turned out fascinating and the Butuan boats’ discovery intriguing. The boats were excavated in 1997 and date to 320AD. These boats are evidence that early Filipinos were seafaring and relatively technologically advanced. In addition, the discovery revealed they had contact and traded with areas outside the Philippines, as shown by the archaeological artefacts. Even more exciting was that the largest sailing vessel of its kind yet discovered was unearthed in Butuan City in Mindanao. Estimated around eight hundred years old, the wooden boat may be centuries older than the ships used by European explorers in the 16th century when they first came upon the Philippines.

Nibbling on street food, we wandered off in the direction of the Palace to see if we could glimpse the 3,000 pairs of shoes, ha-ha. In the process, we passed a Sikh Temple celebrating the 544th birthday of Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji, founder of the Sikh religion. Inside, we were issued headscarves, invited to partake in the festivities, and served the best Indian food since leaving India. What a wonderful experience.

Our route led past the Palace, but it wasn’t noteworthy and we proceeded to Chinatown. At the pension, rumours were of an additional storm moving in. During the previous storm, all ferries and boats were suspended.


11 November - Manila

We all waited for news regarding the new storm. Meanwhile, I took to the streets and cycled around the city to locate a bike shop but couldn’t find the one I was looking for. Being unimportant, I looked for a vantage point to take pictures of the city skyline. Sadly, it started raining, and I returned to the guesthouse with nothing to show for my efforts.


12 November - Manila

I braved the sea of Jeepneys and cycled (what felt like) straight into the lion’s den. This time, a bike shop was located down a small residential lane, and while the professionals did the work, I searched for more attractions. The street was blocked off, as a TV crew arrived the next morning to record a programme. In the meantime, a choreographer gathered the citizens and had them do a fantastic routine in no time. Professionals could make anything look easy.

Once the bike was done, darkness had fallen and it was quite an experience returning without lights and in hectic traffic. I felt it best to follow a bicycle rickshaw (pedicab) as they didn’t have lights either and were pretty good at weaving in and out of traffic. I was mighty pleased with myself for making it to my digs unscathed.


13 - 14 November – Manila

At Robinson’s Mall, I found a ferry company selling tickets to Palawan. A ticket to Puerto Princesa, situated on Palawan Island, was purchased. The weather forecast indicated better weather by Friday, and all hoped the ferry wouldn’t be cancelled.

I was a tad baffled by the large contingent of American Peace Corps staff who moved into our guesthouse. I later learned they had been evacuated from Central Visayas after the typhoon and were in Manila indefinitely. Although staying free of charge, a few complained they had to sleep in a dormitory. Inquiring when they would be returning, the answer was that they were uncertain as there was no way they could be taken care of. And there I assumed they were the ones taking care of the people.

I spent the entire day searching for a contact number to help the affected islands. All to no avail as there appeared no way of communicating with the islands and impossible to reach the relevant people. Best to leave the job to the professionals. I’m sure they couldn’t still cope with inexperienced “helpers”.


Palawan Island



15 - 16 November - Manila, Luzon – Puerto Princesa, Palawan

It felt good to cycle off to the pier, and the ferry came as a pleasant surprise. The boat was large and stable, offering air-con sleeping quarters, entertainment on deck, and even dancing staff as we sailed off. The boat sailed out of Manila Bay in perfect weather and I sat outside listening to music, dressed in shorts and a T-shirt, until long past midnight. Fantastic.

The morning broke amidst hundreds of islands, quite a spectacular sight, and strangely more Mediterranean-looking than tropical. Naturally, food was included in the ticket. All lined up to receive our polystyrene container revealing a boiled egg, rice and something which resembled mince of sorts.

Arrival in Puerto Princesa was at 0h30, and all managed to get off quickly and orderly, unlike other ferries. I cycled into town to locate accommodation and came upon recommended Casa Luna. The rooms were reasonably priced and conveniently situated around a courtyard.


17 November - Puerto Princesa

Arrangements were made to see the underground river the following morning. Afterwards, I took off to a bank to draw as much money as possible, as I understood this was the only ATM on the island.


18 November - Puerto Princesa & The Underground River

An hour or two’s drive brought us to the underground river, en route stopping at the Ugong Cave. The Ugong Rock stood roughly twenty-odd metres high, and one could clamber through caves and crevices (using ropes) right to the top. Instead of returning on foot, I used a zip line. In a mere twenty seconds or so, I was on the ground. How cool is that?

Located in a national park, the underground river was immensely touristy but worth the effort. Turquoise, crystal-clear water disappeared into the darkness of the mountain and ran for almost eight kilometres. The river wound through the cave before flowing directly into the South China Sea. We merely explored one and a half kilometres of the route before retracing our steps past stalagmites, stalactites and strange limestone formations created aeons ago.


19 November - Puerto Princesa – Honda Bay – 13 km

Early morning, I departed Puerto Princesa, prepared for a long day of cycling, but in the end biked a “record-breaking” thirteen kilometres. Shortly beyond the town, a sign pointed to Honda Bay. Turning off to investigate, I found a small jetty where boats left for nearby islands and befriended Edna in the process. She oversaw the selling of boat tickets and had a small property featuring two nipa rooms and offered me one of the rooms at 200 pesos. The price included supper and a pig in the front yard. I thought travelling didn’t get much more interesting than this and accepted the deal.

The boat ticket was a little pricy for one person, but Edna arranged for me to join a family out for the day. It was a lovely family from Manila who was kind enough to allow me to join them. They invited me to share their food and drinks, and I got to eat an array of typical Filipino food. In classic Filipino style, they were well stocked. The snacks included salted eggs, eggplant in garlic and chilli, fried fish, and loads of other things I couldn’t remember. We had a wonderful time, stopping at three nearby islands before returning to the mainland. I’ll be forever grateful to this kind family as they could never imagine what a treat the trip was to me.

Edna was waiting at the jetty, and we made our way to her house. While she prepared rice, fresh fish and octopus, the power went out. Still, she was unperturbed and carried the food next door to where they had a barbeque.

As darkness fell, a few visitors came to glance at the stranger in their village. To make matters even more interesting, we sauntered to the nearby basketball court, the centre of town and thus all activities. One half of the court was used by youngsters shooting for the net and the other half by kids doing cartwheels and jumping elastic rope. On the side-line, one could buy snacks from mobile carts or participate in various games. Kids hopped, skipped, and jumped or did silly bicycle tricks while the older ones hung around, stoic-faced, trying to look cool.

What a wonderful village. I’m sure I met the entire community during the short walk to and from the basketball court. I considered it travelling at its very best.


20 November - Honda Bay – Roxas - 128 km

I didn’t expect the day to be quite as challenging! Not only was the weather scorching, but the hills were steep and, for an unknown reason, I didn’t feel well and suffered from an upset stomach and nausea. Halfway, I started vomiting and cramping, something I’d never experienced before. The day turned out one that required mental strength bordering on stupidity while pushing the bike up the sharp hills, cramping, rubbing my legs, and vomiting.

It took nearly the entire day to reach Roxas, where I collapsed, exhausted. I had no appetite and was in no mood to stuff food down my throat.


21 - 22 November - Roxas – Taytay - 80 km

I assumed the day would be difficult, and I wasn’t wrong. In hindsight, I should’ve stayed the day. My lack of food intake didn’t help either. Still nauseous, I stopped at the chemist to get medication preventing cramps and nausea and stocked up with vitamins.

Depleted of all energy, I struggled onwards and upwards and, once again, had to walk the bike, stopping every few metres to rest. Finally, and to my great relief (a tad of an understatement), I reached Taytay. This old colonial town featured a fort and a historic church.

I flopped down in utter exhaustion for the second day in a row. Mercifully, soup from the on-site restaurant was just the thing needed. Armed with rehydration salts and plenty of water, I hoped for a quick recovery.

The next day I barely had enough energy to explore the historic Taytay Fort, or Fuerza de Santa Isabel, built in 1667 and completed in 1738. But, at least, I came to my senses and didn’t set off again, as was my habit. Thank goodness, by evening I felt heaps better.


23 - 24 November - Taytay – El Nido – 70 km

People warned about the road to El Nido. The road was gravel and hilly and I wasn’t particularly looking forward to the ride. The day, however, turned out a pleasant surprise as the climb wasn’t as severe as predicted, and only a dirt road in places, while the greatest part of the way to El Nido was paved. Moreover, El Nido had no shortage of accommodation as the place was popular, and rightly so. My pick of the bunch was a lovely guesthouse, a street or two from the beach at a reasonable price and with welcoming owners.

It rained on and off the following day, which made it a perfect time to hang around and explore the tiny village of El Nido. Famed for its diving, a dive was booked for the next morning. The fee included three dives, a boat trip to the islands, and lunch. The evening was spent enjoying supper and a beer on the beach, a perfect way to end a good day.


25 November - El Nido

Eight o’clock was dive time, and the boat left El Nido at around 8.30/9.00 a.m. The first dive was along a wall and, albeit beautiful, it wasn’t spectacular. I was, in fact, quite surprised at the lack of coral and life down below. Nonetheless, the scenery above water was dramatic, revealing limestone pinnacles and cliff faces. So spectacular was the view, the area was the location of choice for a few movies.

Our second dive was far more exciting and sported large fish, octopus, giant shrimp and many more. Both dives were approximately fifty-five minutes, to a depth of twenty-five metres with a water temperature of 28°C. After the second dive, lunch was at a tiny white beach offering crystal-clear, turquoise water, resembling a painting. Time flew by, and soon it was our last dive - an incredible dive amongst massive coral and other sea creatures.

The strangest thing happened once on the boat - I became dizzy and disorientated and suffered from blurred vision and a peculiar distant sensation. WOW, how weird? I drank plenty of water, laid down, and felt considerably better by the time we reached the mainland. I surmised it was a balance disorder. Having a sinus infection, I took medication before leaving, which could’ve been the cause, or it could’ve been simple dehydration.


Busuanga Island



26 November - El Nido – Coron Town, Busuanga Island

The ferry trip between El Nido and Busuanga Island (Coron town) was immensely scenic but a lengthy seven-hour affair on an open boat. Luckily, we were given lunch (a small fish and a substantial amount of rice). The area around Coron town was famous for its World War II wreck-diving.

In September 1944, a fleet of Japanese ships hiding in the harbour was sunk in a daring raid by the U.S. Navy. The result was around ten well-preserved shipwrecks surrounded by a coral reef. There wasn’t much to do but dive and watch the sunset over Coron Bay. I strode to Seadive Resort, a massive ramshackle complex sporting rooms, restaurants, bars, and dive shops. The diving looked well organised and I booked a three-tank boat dive for the following day.


27-28 November - Coron Town

The first dive had an unusual location - a lake/hot spring. The dive, firstly, involved a boat ride, then a short swim to the shore, followed by a scramble (in full diving gear) over a rocky outcrop to the lake. Upon descending about fifteen metres, the water temperature shot up to a boiling 38°C. The temperature variation was so significant one could see the thermoclines. We followed the wall for almost twenty minutes, and then returned to the entry point, making a forty-minute dive in total. How cool is that?

Our next dive was the Olympia Maru - a WW2 Japanese shipwreck. She was lying on her starboard side at twenty-five metres. Like all the other Japanese ships in the bay, it was sunk on 24 September 1944 by a U.S. air attack and was a one-hundred-and-twelve-metre supply ship. We had appalling vision but penetrated the wreck and swam through the prop shaft and into the engine room past two huge boilers. We even saw a crocodile fish hiding away as we passed old kaolin bricks used to fire up the boilers.

The Tangat Wreck was our third and last dive of the day, a small gunboat forty metres long. She was lying in shallow waters, making it a perfect third dive.


29 - 30 November - Coron Town

The following day was one more three-wreck boat dive. Again, the wrecks were quite far out, making the trip a whole day affair. First up was the remarkably interesting IJN Akitsushima, a seaplane carrier. She was lying on her port side at thirty-seven metres. This 4724-ton ship had a length of one hundred and eighteen metres and a width of 15.7 metres. Powered by four diesel engines, it had a maximum speed of nineteen knots.

Akitsushima was armed with ten 25mm anti-aircraft guns, four five-inch guns, and one large Kanwanishi flying boat. She was hit near the stern where the flying boat sat upon metal tracks. Sadly, the flying boat disappeared; it’s assumed it took off before the sinking. The crane used to lift the seaplane out of the water was still intact, lying on the sandy bottom and attracting enormous schools of fish. We entered the wreck and swam along the inside until reaching a large crack that almost split the ship in half. From there, one could manoeuvre through the crack and proceed to the engine room through dark and narrow nooks and crannies. After the dive, we devoured most of the coffee and snacks while the boat sailed to the next dive site.

An hour or so later, we kitted up for our next dive. The Taiei Maru, a Japanese freighter one hundred and thirty-seven metres long, was lying on her starboard side. The big cargo rooms and the engine room allowed straightforward penetration of the wreck, making it a fun dive.

Our last dive was on the Lusong Gunboat, lying in shallow water between three and eighteen metres, an excellent spot to do a third dive. Hard corals nicely covered the wreck and although the visibility was poor, we saw plenty of fish. At least this time, there were several divers and loads of fun was had between dives. By evening, all were too lazy to go anywhere and we sat in the restaurant, drank beer and ate pizzas.

Seadive Resort is situated in the middle of town and on the water’s edge. Therefore, a convenient location to hang out. The days came and went without me noticing, apart from socialising with a bunch of crazy divers.


1 December - Coron – Manila - By ferry

By morning, I settled my bill, loaded the bike and cycled the short distance to the ferry. The ferry was late and departed at around 19h00 instead of 15h30, giving me plenty of time to wander around town.

Coron town was indeed in the eye of the storm, and the damage from typhoon Yolanda was clearly visible. Only seeing the devastation first-hand, the reality of the storm became real.


Luzon Island



2-7 December - Manila

The journey to Manila was a comfortable one where we arrived around eight or nine o’clock the following morning. Unfortunately, the short distance to the pension was in horrendous traffic. Still, by ten o’clock, I was all settled in at Pension Navadidad.

The next day was spent at Makati, a completely different part of the city with a different vibe. Makati was the heart of the financial district and was crammed with high-rise buildings and designer stores. However, the area was surprisingly orderly and clean. The reason for my visit was to apply for a Taiwanese visa and I, surprisingly, found numerous people in the waiting room. With the result, it was half-past one before all was done. The visa took three days, and with time on my hands, I got a 150 pesos haircut. While the lady was cutting my hair, I had a pedicure for an additional 100 pesos.

From the South African Dragon Boat team, Pam put me in contact with Sandy. Sandy kindly invited me to join them in practice. As a result, I was up at 4h00 to paddle with the Manila Dragons. What a fabulous experience (albeit surmising I would be incredibly sore). After departing South Africa six years earlier, it felt good to be in a dragon boat, and equally pleasant to hear the familiar, “Crew.……………, are you ready? Attentiooooooooooooon. GO!”

I bummed around town until time to collect the visa. Unfortunately, visas could only be collected after midday, and it was thus past five o’clock before finally clearing out of the building. Being peak hour on a Friday in Manila City, the traffic was bumper to bumper. Reaching the guesthouse took forever but I was finally ready to leave Manila.


8 December - Manila – San Fernando City – 81 km

I wasn’t ready to leave the Philippines as a vast northern region remained. Leaving the pension, the route led past the waterfront where Dragon Boat races were on. I watched for a while, cheering on my favourite team and snapped a few pics.

Being Sunday morning, the traffic was less congested than during the week. Seeing the other side of the city was an eye-opener. Shacks encroached onto the road; by then, the three-lane highway was only two lanes. Still, it remained reasonably uncomplicated getting out of town. If I did go wrong, I knew nothing about it and was blissfully ignorant of whether I was on the right road.

My path never entirely cleared the traffic, and the road stayed congested virtually the entire 80 kilometres to San Fernando, which sported accommodation and food.


9 December - San Fernando – Santa Juliana – 70 km

My slow start was due to a windowless room and I only emerged at around eight o’clock. Breakfast was from the 7-Eleven, after which I continued my trek north.

The area immediately north of Manila was significantly different from the rest. One could easily imagine being in a foreign country.

I met with Ray Cayabyab, cycling to his hometown in San Carlos. He was doing exceptionally well on his old rusty bike with a basket in front but had to stop at each petrol station to pump his tyre. We chatted non-stop (when the traffic allowed) as he spoke good English.

Planning to visit Mount Pinatubo, I waved him goodbye and turned off to Santa Juliana. Mt. Pinatubo was a volcanic crater lake. On 2 April 1991, people from the lower slopes of Mt. Pinatubo witnessed small explosions, followed by steam from the supposedly dormant volcano’s upper slopes (the last known eruption was 600 years ago). Then, on 12 June, the first of several major explosions took place. The eruptions were so violent that shockwaves were felt in The Visayas. A giant ash cloud rose thirty-five kilometres into the sky.

Santa Juliana was a tiny settlement offering a few houses and a tourist office. First, they gave me all the info regarding the volcano. Then, they pointed me in Bognot Homestay’s direction, a comfortable place run by Alvin and his wife, Angie. Being the only accommodation, I soon met other travellers. Together, we decided to visit the crater in the morning.


10 December - Santa Juliana - Mt Pinatubo

Shortly past 5h00, a four-wheel drive jeep left the tourist office for an hour-long drive to the crater, a bumpy and dusty ride along a riverbed. The landscape was stark and barren, with only the odd water buffalo.

Surprisingly enough, people who looked completely different to the Filipinos in the rest of the country lived up in the hills. The Aeta were indigenous people who lived in Luzon’s isolated, mountainous parts. They were thought among the earliest inhabitants of the Philippines. One theory suggests that Aeta are the descendants of the original inhabitants of the Philippines. Contrary to their seafaring Austronesian neighbours, they arrived through land bridges that linked the country to the Asian mainland almost 30,000 years ago. Unlike many of their Austronesian counterparts, the Aetas have resisted change. Thank goodness, all attempts by the Spaniards to settle them in reservations failed.

We continued until the jeep could go no further and then set off by foot for about an hour to the top. The hike was a relaxed one along a stream until finally reaching Crater Lake. The lake was much larger than envisaged. We took a few pics, sat chatting, and then retraced our steps.

Once in Santa Juliana, and already past midday, I was too lazy to proceed and stayed put.


11 December - Santa Juliana – Camiling – 77 km

En route to the main road, I stopped at the depressing Death March Memorial. The area was the final stage of the tragic Death March and concentration camp. Japanese troops forced approximately 75,000 prisoners of war to make a sixty-five-mile march to a prison camp. The exact figures are unknown, but thousands died because of their captors’ brutality, who starved and beat the marchers and bayoneted those too weak to walk. The marchers made the trek in intense heat. Finally, survivors were taken by rail from San Fernando to prisoner-of-war camps. At these camps, thousands more died from disease, mistreatment and starvation.

Today, they are remembered by a large memorial and a wall bearing the names of those who died. War is such a sad thing.

The rest of the day was a pleasant and comfortable ride, arriving in Camiling in the midday heat. With budget accommodation in Camiling, I had no reason to push on as I wasn’t part of the Death March.


12 - 13 December - Camiling – Lucap – 88 km

Breakfast consisted of the usual Filipino breakfast of garlic rice, a fried egg and Longanesa sausage. The road was flat, making it an enjoyable ride to where the way met the coast at the Lingayen Gulf. At the junction, I turned left. Here I veered in a westerly direction to the small village of Lucap, mainly because I’ve no structure in my life and go wherever the mood takes me.

Lucap, gateway to 100 Islands National Park, was well organised, and it was easy to locate a reasonably priced room at Sweet Honey’s. This family-run establishment was accommodating and arranged a boat to take me to the islands.

On waking the next morning, the boatman was already waiting. Unknowingly, my host packed lunch and water (all nicely in a cooler box - how sweet of them), and all was set in place for a full day of island hopping.

The islands (hundred and twenty-three) were primarily tiny, mushroomed-shaped islands featuring only a few shrubs. A few of them were larger and had beaches and even caves. We explored a few of them, and there was plenty of time to swim and snorkel. The snorkelling was an immense pleasure and revealed plenty of fish and fantastic corals. Giant clams were being reintroduced in the area after dynamite fishing destroyed virtually all of them. All in all, a great trip - well worth the money paid.


14 December - Lucap – Agoo – 111 km

After backtracking the thirty-five kilometres to the junction, I ventured in a northerly direction along the coast—past small villages revealing fascinating-looking churches, furniture makers and crab sellers. Like the previous day, the day offered easy riding and the slight headwind was a blessing in the heat. My path crossed a multitude of rivers and interesting and ingenious fishing methods. Vendors were selling clams, oysters, dried fish, fresh fish, crabs, and just about anything the sea could produce.

On reaching the tiny village of Agoo, featuring a basilica, the town looked good enough to overnight. However, finding a guesthouse was more difficult than anticipated. The few kilometres cycled to the beach revealed just one dilapidated and overpriced establishment. I returned to the village searching for a “Transient Room”; a room by any other name was for only a few hours and for a completely different purpose than I had in mind.

Eventually, a place sporting a restaurant was uncovered. Starving, I rushed to a nearby restaurant. The waitresses, decked out in their Christmas hats, appeared somewhat wary of me and I suspected I was their first western-looking client. They kept their distance as they took my order and I had an overwhelming desire to go “Boo!” (making claws and big eyes). But, being far too hungry, I refrained from any such behaviour as I thought it entirely possible I wouldn’t see them or my food again.


15 - 18 December - Agoo – San Juan - 50 km

In the morning, I biked to the tiny village of San Juan. San Juan was known for its waves, making it a perfect spot to take a surfing lesson. Regrettably, I couldn’t locate any dirt-cheap ones. Ultimately, I opted for a rather pricy abode (known as a surfing hangout and a place where one could get surfing lessons). Surprisingly, the area was slightly dreary (maybe it was the “cool surf” attitude - looking bored and disinterested).

In the morning, I moved to a cheaper and friendlier-looking place and bumped into Lionel (from Coron). A pleasant surprise to see a familiar and friendly face amongst all the other emotionless ones.

The grand plan was to take a bus into the mountains to see the rice terraces and the famous hanging coffins. I packed up, arranged to leave my bicycle and bags at the inn, and moseyed over to the bus stop with only a small backpack. Sadly, the bus never arrived. Irritated, I returned to the guesthouse (I’ve no patience).

I woke with a sore throat, blocked nose, bucketing rain, and howling wind and stayed put. My idea of cycling north to Laoag (on the north coast) to fly from there to Taiwan didn’t seem such a good choice after all, as all flights went via Manila, making the flight even more costly. Unfortunately, no ferries operated between the Philippines and Taiwan, leaving me no option but to fly.


19 December - San Juan – Urdaneta City - 100 km

Bored, I swallowed a few flu tablets and pointed the bike toward Manila along a slightly different route. The day was marked by slow-moving traffic, roadworks, and dust which made it a frustrating ride. Finally, reaching Urdaneta City, I was ready to find a room and spent the rest of the night watching TV, something I’ve not done in ages.


20 December - Urdaneta – San Fernando – 120 km

Cycling with a cold was probably not the best, but favourable conditions made riding easy. The road passed unusual roadside stalls, a few selling dried fish and various fascinating produce. Ultimately, I found myself in San Fernando and at the same hotel as on the previous visit.


21 December - San Fernando City – Manila - 76 km

The last leg of my Filipino journey was marred by slow-moving traffic and dusty roadworks. Cycling into the city I somehow found myself in the middle of Chinatown, midday on the last Saturday before Christmas. My word, what chaos! It took ducking and diving through the hectic traffic to avoid the countless Jeepneys and tricycles, but I thought I handled the madness like a pro.


22 December - Manila

In Manila, the city was in a festive mood. The waterfront was packed with food vendors, people strolled and biked along the promenade, and hawkers peddled their wares.

Little was achieved in organising my trip to Taiwan, as both the bike shop and the travel agents were closed on Sundays. But mercifully, one could upgrade luggage to forty-five kilograms at a small fee - good news as flying with the bike could be expensive.


23 December - Manila

Finally, a flight ticket to Taipei, Taiwan was purchased, and the bike was taken to the bike shop to be boxed. The rest of my time was spent sorting out gear.

By evening, a stroll along the promenade made me understand why Manila was referred to as the Pearl of the Orient. The sunset was spectacular as the sun resembled a massive ball of fire, and without any wind and an agreeable 28°C I didn’t think my final day in the Philippines could be any better.


24 December - Manila, Philippines – Taipei, Taiwan

My flight was only at eleven p.m. allowing the entire day to play in Manila. I didn’t play much but did much-needed catching up on social and business matters. Collecting the bike from the bike shop required a Jeepney to the pension, bike and all. What a performance.

The flight from the Philippines to Taiwan was uneventful and we touched down in Taipei at around two o’clock in the morning. Everything went smoothly and all the luggage came out on the belt, bike and all. Being that early, I believed it best to wait until daylight before hailing a taxi into town. Unfortunately, the hostel booked wasn’t open at night, and the reception desk only opened at 9h00. I further wanted to drop my bike at the bike shop for reassembling, but they only opened at 10h00.

I slept soundly upon the soft airport couches and was ready to venture into this new country when it became light.